Unlimited Thought

Life Enrichment Center®

The "how to improve your life" store! 



SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS      (210) 525-0693


Welcome to the Unlimited Thought website. We hope you'll find plenty to entertain and inform with the variety of links to our site content below. Enjoy your visit and let us know if you need any assistance. If you'd like to start with knowing a little more about us and how we started, click here.  

Unlimited Thought was created in August 1987 by Bill Utterback; the center opened for business in early September 1987. 

Bill has dedicated his life to assisting others in making their own spiritual connection and in taking responsibility for their own lives.  If you are within reach of San Antonio, we encourage you to visit Unlimited Thought.  Many people come in simply to relieve stress in the unique atmosphere of the center.  If you are located too far away to visit, we encourage you to call us at (210) 525-0693 with any questions you may have.  Professional intuitive counseling is available either in person or by phone with our staff of counselors.  UT also offers a full schedule of daily classes, seminars, discussion groups, and other activities.

Unlimited Thought is totally religiously non-specific.  We encourage everyone to make their own spiritual connection in the manner which works best for them.  "The times, they are a-changing."  The intent of Unlimited Thought Life Enrichment Center is to help ease the transition as our society, planet, and the human race changes from being fear-based to being love-based.  It is not for us to say what is the best path for any individual, it is merely for us to provide the means to assist people to make their own choice on how to expand their consciousness and make their own spiritual connection with God.  God is love; the connection is made through love; our society, our government, and all that we know will be improved and radically altered through love.  It is symptomatic of our times for all that has been hidden to be revealed and for all fear-based organizations to crumble and fall while all truly love-based groups grow and expand.  The time of a fear-based society is ending; a love-based society is being created, regardless of what any one individual says or does about it.  It's about time.

You can e-mail UT at [email protected]


The New-Age Directory Spotlight Award for Excellence in Content & Design 1999

Amorology Divinity in Action Award
Divinity in Action Award 1999

Lotus LightAward
Lotus Light Award 1998

Best of the Planet Awards
Best of the Planet Awards 1998

Elite Site Award
Elite Site Award 1998